Home / Recipes / Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Peas

Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Peas

Whether we realize it or not, we’re always developing habits and establishing routines. And with the changes developing each day now, we’re all having our regular routine disrupted; this can be quite unsettling.

During the dynamic and challenging times of today, new routines and behaviours will begin to emerge. This does present opportunity for us to change, for the better. Specifically, when faced with staying close to home each day it’s important to make sure the routines we adopt are ones that serve our health, rather than damage it.

One routine we recommend taking advantage of routinely is having a few flexible staple meals in your diet throughout the day – from our experience working with clients, we recognize that this is one common thread that is greatly appreciated.

Where you choose to plan these staple meals is entirely dependent on you and your lifestyle routine…

For example, many benefit from planning their first three meals eaten throughout the day (plus or minus snacks if this is part of the routine); in this approach the evening/dinner meal is where the variety comes in. Others like to plan their first meal along with the final few to end the day – leaving a fairly big gap mid-morning for variety in these meals (be it pancakes with the family, ordered in brunch from a restaurant nearby, or a hearty bagel with cream cheese).

Regardless, having a strong foundation of protein to start off this staple meal planning is important.

With varying schedules in mind, we chose egg protein to be the foundation of this recipe. Eggs can be enjoyed practically any time of day, are high protein and nutrient loaded, and offer up that meal flexibility piece (cumin/ cayenne/ hot sauce = Mexican eggs; curry/ turmeric/ cumin = Indian eggs); catch my drift?

Highlights of making this recipe:

  • The ingredients are easy to locate in most grocery stores and markets and they are inexpensive.
  • Speaking of the specific ingredients in this recipe (there’s only four major ones!), eggs, frozen/canned peas, and spinach nearly top the list for affordable and versatile ingredients that are smart to have on hand routinely.
  • Eggs and egg whites as a protein source have a wonderfully long shelf life and are so very nutritious (did I mention they’re affordable?!).
  • Very little hands-on time is required in preparing this recipe and this dish is ready to serve in less than 15 minutes.
  • Clean-up is quick and easy – hardly any cooking production is involved in the making of this recipe.

While we find a certain element of therapeutic benefit in spending time in the kitchen, we understand that some of you may not be so comfortable in the kitchen just yet. Don’t sweat, changing times call for changing habits; and developing confidence in the kitchen may take some time. If you would benefit from a little more assistance in this area, please feel free to connect with us.

In closing, now is not the time to let healthy eating and active living habits fall by the wayside. Especially given the unpredictable state of the world now – and the extra time many of us have – it is the time to focus more on these elements and continue to strive forward amidst the uncertainty.

Macros per Recipe

Calories: 333
Protein: 32 g
Fat: 15 g
Carbohydrates: 14 g
Sugar: 5 g
Fibre: 5 g

Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Peas

Prep Time 3 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 13 minutes
Servings 1 person



  • Heat a medium skillet on medium heat and spray with cooking oil spray
  • Once pan is hot, add peas and spinach and cover with a lid
  • Meanwhile, measure egg whites and beat in eggs to make a mixture
  • After ~2 minutes of cooking, add eggs to vegetables in the pan
  • Add salt and pepper to taste*
  • Continue stirring/ scrambling mixture until eggs are cooked through, ~8 minutes
  • Garnish as desired** and serve warm


*Add spices as desired at this step
**Our favourite toppings include ketchup, salsa, shredded cheese, grated parmesan cheese, and diced green onion.
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